Saturday, 12 July 2014

Are You Using Proper Hashtags To Present Your Brand Story, dos and donts of hashtags

Dos of hashtags
Use native hashtags- As a brand make a point to join conversation with the most organic hashtags your users are already using. This can be the great chance to strengthen your brand loyalty.
Relevant to subject- If you want to tell the story of your brand or incite a specific consumer action tied to your brand; make the use of hashtag that is relevant to the brand’s identity or goal.
Not just a brand name- Start your phrase for hashtagging from brand name but create your hashtag campaign periodically and boost it. Though it may take time but consistency is the key.
Keep it simple and brief- A short and simple hashtag that is easily readable gets the point across and can help in joining conversation.  It is extremely effective in generating conversation.
Easy to understand- The shelf life of brand can be extended with the simple and relevant hashtag that is relatively easy to understand for consumers.
Spell check- Make sure to check spellings of each word in your post. No one will be able to find your message if you tag word wrong and it will also not join the conversation.
Original source: SEO Expert Blog Link

Wednesday, 9 July 2014

Do you want to become SEO enthusiast? Follow these simple SEO steps and rock in internet world

Recognize the significance of web traffic- Search Engine Optimization is about enhancing traffic on a website. Without bringing maximum visitors to the website, you would not be able to expose your site to potential customers. Recognize its importance so that you can convert your website visitors into actual customers.
Keyword research- You have to do research to find out how people search your topic. You can use keywords research tools to evaluate how many people actually use that term.
Choose domain name carefully- Domain name is your web address that should be related to topic and rich with most frequently researched keywords so that people can easily recall it and visit again and again.
Right platform- Appropriate platform should be used for website building. Word press is ideal because of its plugins, ease of use and general search engine preference and most importantly it is Google as well as users’ friendly.
Quality website content- You need to establish exclusive high quality content and must be original. Content is the key to invite traffic. Content should be informative as well as interesting to grab visitors attention.
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